Destiny 2 Getting Testing Ground For PvP Changes Before June

Bungie has once again updated its Destiny 2 roadmap after the release of Warmind, and the major updates include a testing ground for new PvP changes, as well as a new seasonal mode.

"Crucible Labs" will act as a way for dedicated players to offer Bungie feedback on "experimental PvP content" in the Crucible before they're finalized, similar to public test servers in games like Overwatch. Whether they'll be a separate server or accessible in the game directly, or what platforms Crucible Labs will be available on were not announced. Crucible Labs will hit on May 29.

Other changes between the release of Warmind and the arrival of the big Fall expansion include the Solstice of Heroes seasonal event, which game director Christopher Barrett says will let players "celebrate their accomplishments and, of course, earn sweet new rewards." This sounds similar to Destiny's Age of Triumph, which had players earn rewards for things they'd already done and work to complete a book of accomplishments to earn new honors.

Fans can also expect bounties, harder versions of the Raid Lairs, and changes to Exotic armor pieces in July.
